The supply of the truck …

An important step for the trains to function correctly throughout the network .

Supply of track X 2800 on the rails.

For that 2 essential rules to respect:

current wiring to 1.5 mm rigid for the feeder.

What is the Feeder?

You cannot put a single power supply at the end of the network…

If your model is large, the other end (at the end of the line) with the losses, will not have the tension required for your motor cars to run correctly.

The feeder is a reasonably sized cable capable of carrying your current while maintaining the correct voltage.

And so… A good supply of the truck?

So… for all the channels of the network to be supplied, the current must be distributed equitably.

This feeder will redistribute the power of the truck, in different points.

Why not use rigid copper wire (2 x 1.5 mm – Used for home lighting for example, on sale in DIY stores) which will serve as a solid “main conductor”

A quick sketch…

Circuit power supply diagram

Here the feeder on your network will pass from module to module.

The 2 feeder supply wires distribute the current for the tracks with a connection to the rails approximately every 50 cm or every meter.

The feeder under the layout for track suppl

Think before any wiring, to make a diagram of your installation to find your way around, in particular (for the isolated parts) in the case of an analogical network.

Like here this diagram that I had made by hand for the wiring of the Hoe Montjustin Gare network in the magazine Clés pour le train miniature :

Electrical diagram Montjustin Station

Connect your track… and also your hands, this is another situation that you can solve with the tutorial below, to be found on letraindejules.fr


Truck supply… Practically?

Connect your Ho channel, for example… thanks to 2 wires connected / welded to the feeder!

Ho Way

To solder your power cables on your flexible rail, do things in the rules of the art.

The connection will be made when laying the track.

Cut your track coupon to the desired size…

Turn the rail over and cut two sleepers with a cutter, pressing hard.

You can keep the sleepers to put them back later or use them to fill a few holes in the track of your network

Before any welding for the power supply of the track, you will carry out a small sanding with a small piece of sandpaper (emery cloth) to remove the varnish on the lower part of the rail.

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